I keep making promises I don’t keep like that shit about fear. The thoughts are coming. At least I conquered my fear of death. Wanna know how I did it? Deep spiritual practice. Nup, just kidding! Conditioning. Hung out at the cemetery again. In the Philippines they celebrate the 1st and 2nd of November as […]
In yesterday’s post I half assed mentioned how I live in the present. Maybe death is a bigger thing than I admitted. I guess my fucking friend surprise dying on me suspended me in time. Believe it or not, I’m a fun kind of gal and I think that is directly correlated to my impulse […]
Dear Internet, it’s been five days since my last confession. How apt that I hit thirty and just stopped. I’m alive. I’m not really sure what happened. I think writing something not sassy threw me out of a comfort zone and completely paralyzed me. I think I learned sometimes forcing yourself to do something to […]
If I’m learning at least one thing, it’s how to use roman numerals. What a handy skill. It kept Bart Simpson alive once, haters. Happy 30th instalment to me. Now my blog and I are both lying about our real ages together. Forever young. This morning I woke up emotionally wrung out but less crazy. […]
Hello my enduring endeavour to enlightenment. Turns out this is like everything in life. No discipline and you’re fucked. Every time I think I’m not going to do a post the stubborn little part of me just can’t break the streak. You should see my snap chat. Well that’s done. I don’t know if I’ll […]
It’s Sunday, I find weekend writing the most labourious. Maybe because everyone’s up and home and around and I always feel more like the foreign outsider that sits and types at the dining table while my family does their routine shuffle around me. My nightmares are back and I feel a little bit like they’re […]
Turns out I might be a one trick pony. The last instalment wasn’t hard. It only took maybe two hours to write which is actually pretty good. It’s just trying to sift through what I can turn into a narrative. Boring. This exercise in mindless talking has really improved my words per minute though. Thank […]
In the spirit of change and outrospection (is this the reverse of introspection?) Here is a piece I wrote, not in my sass voice but in my regular writing voice. Because one must practice being more than a one trick pony. The sky is a hard steel grey. A typhoon has been passing over […]
I finished the book the nun gave me and now I’m more confused. The religion must be working its hocus-pocus. One thing I’m compelled to is the notion of silence. I obsessively google things. I love it. Any question on my mind I Google. Fun example- ‘why is my ex bf talking to me’. Best […]
Torrential, tropical, rain turned out to be a typhoon. I’m fine. If I’m not being threatened by religious idealism, my own mental decline or mediocre beauty practice it’s got to be natural disaster. We’re only getting the tail end of the typhoon but I’ve been rained in for three days now, going crazy. Editor’s note: […]